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Is it the way that he runs scared?

Or that he's socially impaired?

Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods

Is that true?


Is his thick and curly back hair

Maybe throwing you off track there?

Or the way he covers up

That he's the honest goods?


So he's just a bit of a fixer-upper

He's got a couple of bugs 

His isolation is confirmation

Of his desperation for human hugs

He's just a bit of a fixer-upper

But we know what to do

The way to fix up this fixer-upper

Is to fix him up with you!


Everyone's a bit of a fixer-upper

That's what it's all about!

Call a sister or brother

We need each other

To raise us up and round us out

Everyone's a bit of a fixer-upper

But when push comes to shove


The only fixer-upper fixer

That can fix up a fixer-upper is

True! true!

True, true, true!



Love! True love! Love!

True... Love! True Love!

Love, love, true love!


Everyone's a bit of a fixer-upper

We're very worthy of

Love, true love

True love

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